The Ace Holes - All I Got

Did you ever think it could hurt so bad
When someone threatens everything you know
Your mind starts go and you wonder why you bother
It kinda makes you choke

The air begins to go thin
Your Blood starts to thinkin
Oozing through your veins
the pressure and the pain

Im sorry that you hurt
I felt this way before
I know its not just me

I see it in the face of everyone i meet
Its a Scar That Runs deep
A scar that makes us weak
Others see it too
They make profit off of you
Manipulating others
Is the only way to feel good
The only way to feel sane
In this world of pain that we cause eachother
I dont think it hurts so bad

My life is all i got
The only im sure of
My life is all i got
The Only thing i know